Extending Kubernetes 101

Based on its clean core API you can extend Kubernetes to a high degree, making it work optimally for your workloads and workflows.

In this talk we will have a look at the Kubernetes configuration and extension points, from plugins to custom resources/operators to custom API servers. We will discuss use cases, benefits, and imitations of each extension point and you’ll see some of the low-hanging fruits in action.


* Basic familiarity with Kubernetes is useful but not required.


* Raising awareness about how to customize Kubernetes and providing people with the relevant starting



Michael Hausenblas
Michael Hausenblas is a developer advocate for Go, Kubernetes, and OpenShift at Red Hat, where he helps appops to build and operate distributed services. His background is in large-scale data processing and container orchestration and he’s experienced in advocacy and standardization (W3C and IETF). Michael contributes to open source software such as OpenShift and Kubernetes and shares his experience with distributed systems and large-scale data processing through code, blog posts and public speaking engagements.


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