Die Konferenz für Continuous Delivery und DevOps
Mannheim, Congress Center Rosengarten,
1.– 1. Januar 1970

// Ask the Expert: Jamie Dobson [Sponsored Talk]

Jamie Dobson, our keynote speaker from 2016 is back and ready to tackle your questions!

As the CEO of Container Solutions, Jamie has been on the forefront of many technological advances in the past years and knows which struggles many companies are facing in the age of the cloud and containerization. He's here to discuss your pains and problems with you and will tell you everything you need to know about making your Cloud strategy succeed.

Disclaimer: This is a Q&A session with Jamie Dobson. It would be greatly appreciated if you came prepared with questions you can ask during the session or send them to our moderator Björn Bohn bbo@ix.de.

// Referent

Jamie Dobson Jamie Dobson

is the CEO of Container Solutions, an outstanding professional services company who help teams and companies succeed with programable infrastructure. Jamie specialises in helping companies who want to succeed with containers but are not sure how to get cracking.